日本財団 図書館


Short Term Development Strategy
1. To ensure a minimum goods and passenger service.
The Railway System, which was not fully maintained, partially destroyed and temporally rebuilt, should be repaired, so as to ensure a safe and orderly operation 2. To prepare the master plan for future Railway development.
At the moment, there is no master plan or study concerning future railway development. A master plan indicating guide lines for medium to long term development is urgently required. The guide line for improving and strengthening the maintenance capacity shall be prepared as well.
Medium Term Development Strategy
1. To accelerate economic growth along the national development corridor.
Existing railway lies in the "Growth Corridor" This land, which has great potential on developing agriculture, fisheries, forestry and industry. The existing railway should be rehabilitated and improved, so as to meet the requirements of rail transport demand in line with progressing urban and regional development along this corridor.
2. To increase international traffic to and from Thailand and other ASEAN countries.
The connecting line between Sisophon and Poipet, destroyed during the war, should be reconstructed and opened to increase international tra.fflc, both goods and passengers. Improvements to old lines and the Sihanoukville freight yard shall stimulate international trade to and from Asian countries.





